All in Crafts

DIY Refurbish: The Nightmare Before Christmas VHS Tape

🎃 HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🎃 What better way to celebrate my favorite holiday than to do another spooky craft. Starting with a classic: The Nightmare Before Christmas! The inspiration for this came when I was reminiscing about my old Disney VHS tapes from the 90s. Sadly, along with my original Polly Pockets, we gave them away. Of course now they're insanely expensive, so rather than buying them on eBay, I decided to recreate one with my own special twist.

DIY Halloween Vampire Mansion Polly Pocket

I decided to take my favorite holiday and favorite toy and create a Halloween-themed Polly Pocket! I call this Vampire Mansion and it's a compact filled with miniature gothic furniture made of polymer clay. I found this wooden coffin at Michael's and it inspired me. This might be a start to me turning things into Polly Pockets.

Polly Pocket Repaint #1: Lil' Princess Pad Hidden Hideouts

One of the complaints that people have about the modern Polly Pockets is they're not as detailed as the vintage ones. No one can beat the original Polly, but I decided to try my hand at painting one of the new ones to give it more detail. I've always wanted to try this but was afraid of messing up and ruining it. But spoiler turned out pretty dope! Be on the lookout for more Polly Pocket repaints!